For students interested in Biology and Medicine, the path towards their education can be gruelling but perhaps what our students struggle the most with is the actual decision - “Is medicine for me?” “What will a degree in Biology lead to?” Thes are common doubts and queries posed by many of our students in high school. It can also only be answered by immersing yourself in the profession - through summer schools at universities designed to give students an introduction to medical school.
1. Mini Med School at Tufts University: Careers in Medicine
Program focus: This summer intensive program is for driven students who are interested in attending medical school. Through lectures and medical case studies coupled with hands-on training, students will begin to experience what it takes to study medical sciences. Field trips to the Medical campus will include visits to the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center and hands-on activities in the anatomy lab. Question and answer sessions with admissions staff, medical doctors, doctors from other health professions, and medical students will help participants get a feel for Medical School and the career options they have in medicine and related health sciences.
Cost: Residential: $6,500
Eligibility: 1. Entering grades 11-12 in Fall 2024, 2. Must be 16 years of age by the program start date, 3. One year of biology is required.
Location: Medford, Massachusetts
Dates: July 7 – 19, 2024
Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program focus: Students gain hands-on experience in the medical field and insight into the many career opportunities available within the various disciplines of medicine. Visits to healthcare facilities in Winston-Salem, participation in simulations and labs, and learning basic skills like taking blood pressure and suturing. Topics covered include: Topics Covered: Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Neurology, Ultrasound, Cancer Care and Surgery.
Cost: $3,000
Eligibility: Current 9th – 12th grade students
Location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Dates: Week of June 9 – 14 and week of July 14 – 19, 2024
Deadline: Rolling
Program focus: Are you considering a career in health care, psychology, or the behavioral sciences? Are you interested in the scientific study of the human brain? In this course, you will discover some common and unusual aspects of the brain in everyday life and under abnormal circumstances. You will explore normal brain development as well as abnormal occurrences in the brain and their effects on human function and behavior over the lifespan.
Cost: $11,034
Eligibility: Grades 9 and above may applyInternational students must complete an English proficiency exam such as the TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo
Location: Los Angeles, California
Dates: June 16 – July 13, 2024
Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2024
Program focus: The objective of the program is to educate next-generation scientists about rational Drug
Discovery & Development in the biotechnology for the past 13 years. Students will be introduced to Biotechnology, drug discovery and development process, Cancer signalling, pathways and therapies and Cancer Immunotherapy. Students will also engage in projects that apply various Bioinformatics tools. The program will also have featured guest lectures by experts from leading Pharma/Biotech companies and will host two unique workshops intended towards career development. Students will have an opportunity to work on the Bioinformatics project for 8-weeks and have to do oral presentations and
submit assigned project reports.
Cost: $300 donation to Science Gurus
Eligibility: Rising Seniors only
Location: Online Classes
Dates: June 3rd – July 28th, 2024
Deadline: April 30, 2024
Program focus: This course provides an introduction to the microbiology of microbial diseases. The primary focus is on molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis, including detection of the host environment, binding of pathogenic microbes to host cell surfaces and their invasion of host cells and tissues, and the delivery and functions of microbial toxins. It will include host defenses and microbial countermeasures against these defenses. We will also study the evolution of pathogens and the co-evolution of their hosts.
Cost: $5,250 for the 3 credit course
Eligibility: Rising Seniors, age 15+, 1 course of Biology
Location: Online
Dates: June 24-August 2, 2024
Deadline: May 5, 2024
Cohort: 30 maximum
Program focus: Students will learn complex biological concepts using a dynamic online environment as you cover high school honors biology topics and build a solid foundation for the study of AP® Biology. You will explore the structures, functions, and processes of living organisms and their interactions with the environment; other major themes include cell structure and specialization, energy and chemistry of life, genetics and evolution, diversity of life, plant systems, and ecology.
Cost: $20
Eligibility: Successful completion of Algebra I
Location: Online
Dates: 6 months, self-paced
Deadline: Start anytime
Program focus: In the Bioengineering Broad Overview and Techniques (BE-BOAT) courses, students obtain an Overview of the science and engineering aspects of Bioengineering and learn Techniques in speciality areas. Course Available: BioMechanics & MechanoBiology (BMMB)
Cost: June 10 - June 14, 2024
Eligibility: Students must currently be in 10th -12 grade and at least 14 years of age (15 for in-person)
Location: Online and in person in La Jolla, California
Dates: June 10 - June 14, 2024
Deadline: Rolling
Program focus: The Michigan Math and Science Scholars program is designed to offer a pre-college experience exposing students to a breadth of curricula offered at the University of Michigan while introducing high school students to current developments and research in the sciences. The program is open to any high school rising sophomore, junior or, senior from around the world! Three 2-week sessions are offered; students are given the opportunity to attend one, two or all three sessions.Courses for Biology Students: Brain and Behavior, Dissecting Life: Human Anatomy and Physiology, From Physics through Biology to Medicine, It’s in my DNA: From Gene to Protein, The Biology of Extreme Adaptations, What Really Happens at Night in a Museum?: Multidisciplinary Approaches for Exploring Ecology and Evolution
Cost: $2400
Eligibility: Rising sophomore, junior, or senior in high school
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dates: Session 1: Sunday, June 23 – Friday, July 5, Session 2: Sunday, July 7 – Friday, July 19, Session 3: Sunday, July 21- Friday, August 2
Deadline: Rolling
Program focus: CTD's summer programming provides academic adventures with lifetime impact! The enrichment courses delve into subjects you love or challenge you with high-school honors or Advanced Placement® courses for credit. At CTD, you will learn from the best instructors as you build on your strengths and experience the joy of learning with a community of peers.
Courses Available: Biology Honors, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Pharmacology, Neuroscience Seminar
Cost: $5170 for each course
Eligibility: Grades 9-12, PSAT or SAT/ACT may be required
Location: Evanston, Illinois
Dates: Jun 23, 2024 - Jul 12, 2024
Deadline: Rolling
To understand which of these programs is ideal for you, speak to your mentors at OnCourse who will be able to make the most effective recommendations keeping in mind your interests, your current academic standing and your resume. If you are not enrolled with OnCourse, reach out to set up a consultation meeting to understand more about our mentoring programs for students from Grade 8 to Grade 12.